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Issue 15
Spring 2008

Helping America procrastinate since 1636

July 16, 2024

HSP Comics Spring 2008: DIEGO

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Originally from Santiago Chile, Diego Munoz is learning to cope with living in this strange land called America. Difficulty with the English language often leads him to communicate entirely through sketches. As such, he is seldom seen more than a few feet away from his thoroughly filled notebook. When he's not busy drawing cartoons, Diego Munoz spends his time as an astrophysicist, studying the cosmos one bad joke at a time. After being harrassed by the editor in chief for the past few semesters, Diego was finally motivated to draw cartoons for several articles in Issue 15, which are listed below. He hopes you enjoy them as much as he did. 

Following Eliot Spitzer Scandal, Harvard Revamps Escort Service Bush Confuses Waterboarding With Bodyboarding Top 10 Reasons Why John McCain is Too Old To Be President
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