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Issue 17
Spring 2009

Helping America procrastinate since 1636

July 27, 2024

HSP Eagerly Plagiarizes Shepard Fairey

Thanks to the nifty interweb site, anyone can create their own iconic Shepard Fairey style Obama "Hope" poster with snarky caption constraints that make Twitter look positively verbose. Ironically, Fairey, the man who critics claim re-invented digital image plagiarism, now has a taste of his own topographic, four-color medicine, albeit from a somewhat flattering plethora of online imitators. In case you were wondering, as a satirical student org, HSP is firmly protected under the "Fair Use" clause of U.S. copyright law, freeing us to turn the modern tools of Google Image search, Photoshop, and web-based knock off software into graphical jokes for your pleasure. Although best viewed online at, where we can afford to display in color, we nevertheless Hope you enjoy these examples, designed to test your pop cultural Nerd-cred. -The Editors  HSP 

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