Issue 13
Spring 2007
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July 16, 2024
Al Gore Credits Emotion Chip With Resurgence in Popularity
By Al Gore 2.0
Washington, DC - Oscar winner, environmental activist, former United States Vice President and presidential candidate Al Gore is a popular man. So popular, in fact, that he may even be considering a previously unthinkable 2008 re-run for the White House... (PDF)

Fearing Pandemic, COOTIES Vaccine Required for Harvard Enrollment
Cambridge, MA - As of May 2007, Harvard Students have been advised to brace for "perhaps the most dangerous pandemic in recorded history"... (PDF)

Harvard Undergraduate Just Can't Stop Helping Others
Teaching Fellows Desperately Want More Teaching Conferences

Photo of Yale's "We Suck" Prank Shown to Be Doctored
Bush Calls for Massive Troop Surge in America's Heartland
Washington, DC - In what he deems a "strategic redeployment," President Bush is calling for a massive troop surge into America's heartland. While the original "troop surge" Bush announced in 2006 was only 20,000... (PDF)

In the Shadow of Rusting Steel Mills, the Struggle for Ninja Rights Continues
(PDF) Clinton and Obama Court Black Vote with Reparations Packages

HSP Comics Winning Cartoons! - Spring 2007 (PDF)

Rainbow Bright Goes Goth (PDF)

Discovery Channel Screenshots

Google and Transatlantic Swimming

Artichoke Nearly Untasteable in Spinach-Artichoke Dip

Curly Fries Found to Curl Backward in Australia

Maker of Post-It To Lobby Against Approval of Memory Drug

Area Man Brings His Own Equal

Bush Vetoes Bill at Chinese Restaurant

Arbitrary, Misleading Statistic Passes Arbitrary Base-10 Number

Undisclosed Location Disclosed
The Harvard Satyrical Press is an official student organization of the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences (GSAS) and is the only official graduate student humor magazine at Harvard. We thank the Graduate Student Council (GSC) for generously helping to fund our online and printed publication. The Harvard Satyrical Press is not intended for readers under 18 years of age. And if you haven't figured it out already, this is satire, and the opinions herein obviously do not necessarily represent the opinions of Harvard University, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, or even the writers. Whether they constitute opinions at all is also debatable. But that's just your opinion... In any case, please direct submission and other inquiries to . Attn: Andrew Friedman, Editor In Chief.
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Last Updated July 2024

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