Issue 14
Fall 2007
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   HSP needs your support. If you feel our mission of spreading laughter like the plague is worthy, please send donations to Harvard Satyrical Press, Dudley House, Lehman Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, C/O Andrew Friedman, Editor in Chief. For donations over $10, if you provide us with your return address and request it, we will mail you an autographed copy of our first issue. $15 also gets you the second issue. $20 gets you all three, each with someone's real signature! Furthermore, the larger the donation, the more likely the autograph will be from a relevant person actually associated with running the magazine. All our back issues will clearly be worth eleventy billion dollars on e-Bay circa 2060. Your grandkids will think you're so cool, so plan ahead before the back issues all disappear, purchased by the ravenous hordes of HSP-archived-material-craving readers with impeccable business sense.


   Issues 7, 8, and 9 are also available in print for an exorbitant...we mean, reasonable...price of $5 per issue (shipping and handling included). To request copies of back issues, contact us by e-mail and send checks made out to "Harvard Satyrical Press" by mail to: Harvard Satyrical Press, Dudley House, Lehman Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, C/O Andrew Friedman, Editor in Chief. We will mail the issue by standard postal mail upon receipt of the check. HSP currently does not accept credit cards, but will do so in the near future. Sending cash by mail is plain silly in a world of thieves.